If you haven’t heard about i-Lipo, it’s a fairly new and revolutionary treatment that can be used for body contouring, smoothing cellulite, and bringing about fat reduction. It stimulates the body’s natural processes for releasing stored content, particularly in adipose cells. These cells are where your body stores fat, and that’s why they get targeted in the process. i-Lipo causes this stored fat to be released, so you don’t end up carrying that extra weight around with you. It’s a non-invasive process that requires no surgery, no needles, and no downtime. At Modern Spine Health and Injury Care of Bethel, Connecticut, you can have this procedure performed on you to accomplish your personal appearance goals. Below, you’ll find some of the most commonly asked questions about this miracle procedure.
Am I a good candidate?
In order to determine whether or not you’re a good candidate for i-Lipo, it will be necessary to evaluate your medical history and your current condition. People who are generally considered to be good candidates are usually about 25 pounds overweight, and if you’re more overweight than that, it’s better to change your diet and exercise regularly until you can reduce to the 25-pound range.
You should enjoy general good health, and have good elasticity of the skin. You should not have any medical conditions that would be considered moderate to severe as a result of being overweight. Good candidates should also have a single area or two where they desire stubborn fat be removed, as opposed to wanting to lose weight from all over the body.
This is because i-Lipo is meant to be a spot reduction process, rather than a general weight loss treatment. Most candidates for i-Lipo want to reduce in areas such as the waistline, arms, abdomen, thighs, and under the chin. You should also be prepared to commit to a regular program of good diet and exercise following the procedure, so that you can maintain results achieved during the procedure. It may be necessary to undergo several treatments, but in any case, you should begin seeing noticeable results within two months.
How do I prepare for i-Lipo?
In order to get the most out of the i-Lipo procedure, it will be necessary to take some preparatory steps. You should avoid eating heavy foods, since that could interfere with the process. It will also be necessary to drink at least 16 oz. of water prior to undergoing i-Lipo. Areas to be targeted by i-Lipo must be kept clean prior to the procedure, which means there should be no lotions or cosmetics applied. Results may not be optimal if any of these stipulations are ignored or violated, so it’s important to ensure compliance with these requirements.
What is the procedure like?
When you do actually get to the treatment, it will go by quickly, usually in 30 minutes or less. Most programs are geared for eight sessions, and these are done twice a week, so it should take four weeks to accomplish the full program. During any given session, only one area gets treated, so as to maximize results from that session. That means if you have multiple areas being targeted, it may take longer than the standard four weeks. If you have a lot of fat in any one area, there’s a chance that it could get re-stored as fat after the treatment.
After undergoing i-Lipo, it will be necessary to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet, in order to keep the positive results gained during the procedure. If you can maintain a generally healthy lifestyle, you’ll be much more likely to retain the benefits achieved during the process. There are supplements you can take which will encourage greater metabolic activity in your body, and help you retain the good results achieved during i-Lipo.
What happens after the procedure?
Keep in mind that fat cells are not destroyed during i-Lipo, they are merely shrunken. That means fat cells will remain in treated areas even after treatment, and that’s why it will be necessary to observe a healthy lifestyle afterward. It will be possible to gain weight again in the area that was treated because fat cells still exist there, and are eligible to expand and grow in size again. If you are careless about maintaining a healthy diet, or you shun the exercise part of the program, it will be possible for treated areas to become fat again. However, if you stick to the program faithfully, you should be able to keep the weight off treated areas indefinitely.