iLipo Laser Lipo
Lose Inches in Lake Worth and Delray, Fl

Lose Inches and Weight With Palm Beach County’s #1 Laser Lipo Center
The award winning i-Lipo laser from Chromogenex is a safe and effective means to achieve immediate and measurable inch loss. i-Lipo uses low level laser technology (LLLT) to stimulate the body’s natural process for releasing its stored energy from adipose tissue, shrinking those fat cells and delivering the body shaping results you desire.
The human body stores excess calories from your diet in adipose tissue. When needed, those fat cells will break down their stored triglycerides into free fatty acids, glycerol and water, providing the body with energy during times of scarcity. That same metabolic process that is induced hormonally by the brain can also be triggered by low level laser energy delivered by i-Lipo.
i-Lipo is a revolutionary, non-invasive body shaping and cellulite reduction technology offering convenient, safe and pain free body contouring in as little as 20 minutes, without surgery and without downtime. This non-destructive approach to fat reduction can be used year-round on all skin types.