Non Surgical Spinal Decompression
Back Pain Doctor Near Me in Lake Worth and Delray, Fl

What Is Non Surgical Spinal Decompression
Non-surgical spinal decompression is a noninvasive treatment that uses gentle pressure to restore movement and flexibility to compressed or injured disks in the spine, resulting in reduced pain. Non-surgical spinal decompression can help patients suffering from both neck and lower back pain.
This non surgical spinal decompression was first patented in 1978 and is now being offered as the DRX9000, manufacturer of state-of-the-art non surgical spinal decompression.
Non surgical spinal decompression gives patients the benefits of a surgical alternative and can be performed in a doctor’s office with a minimum amount of time and effort. Because non-surgical spinal decompression is noninvasive, it’s safe to use with virtually any neck or back condition and can be used on practically anyone suffering from neck and back pain.
Non surgical spinal decompression has been proven in more than 30 studies worldwide to be an effective noninvasive treatment. As the non-surgical spinal decompression DRX9000 continues to gain popularity in the United States, more people are finding non surgical spinal decompression to be a low cost alternative for treating neck or back pain compared to expensive surgery or potentially dangerous prescription medications.
If you are considering non-surgical spinal decompression for your neck or back pain, be sure to contact our office or a consultation. Our doctors will evaluate your condition and see if non-surgical spinal decompression is right for you.
You may also want to check out the DRX9000, the latest non-invasive device on the market that is proven safe and effective for treating a wide range of neck and back conditions. With more than 30 years of research and clinical experience backing it up, non-surgical spinal decompression is a treatment you can trust.